Life is busy. And scheduling a loan or credit card payment is not always on the calendar. Never miss a payment again. Simplify life by paying your auto loan, personal loan, credit card payment or mortgage with automated payments (auto pay). This is the set-it and forget-it approach to managing your finances.
Set it and forget it
When you setup auto pay, you authorize Golden Plains to debit your account and apply those funds to your loan or credit card.
Advantages of auto pay
One of the greatest advantages to setting up auto pay is that you have a better chance of minimizing late payments which could result in fees. Please make sure you have the correct amount of funds available in your account on the day you scheduled your auto pay. You can set an account alert to help you remember your payment amounts.
Another advantage is that you will save time. You will not have to make a payment, write a check or drop an envelope in the mail.
Setup automated payments
Register on our payment portal and setup auto pay you can manage online instantly.
Payment Portal
Authorize GPCU to setup auto pay on your behalf
Fill out the online form below to authorize Golden Plains to setup auto pay on your behalf. Please allow 15 days for processing.
Auto Pay Authorization Form